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Archive - Message From the Commissioner

October 5th, 2024

Our fall season starts October 15th. Welcome back, all returning players, and I look forward to meeting and playing with new friends. 

Andy Sybrandy


August 8, 2022

We are back at Stagecoach Park on August 16 and August 18. We will offer our typical Batting Practice and a Practice Game at Stagecoach Park starting at 9 am on those days during the Top Gun Tournament in Hemet. 


Jim Dionne


December 31, 2021

Dear NCSS Players:


​Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family and all of us in our wonderful NCSS-CD Softball League. We are so lucky to be playing softball with such a great group of friends.

Just a reminder: we start a new season on Tuesday, January 4. New teams will be chosen by the end of December and players will be notified of their teams on the weekend.

Jim Dionne,


p.s. if you did not receive this notice through an e-mail from Mailchimp, please sign up for those notifications at Mail Alerts.

October 23, 2021


Dear NCSS Players:


  • Here are the Survey Results of my phone calls to players to find out their preferences:  

  • 50 players voted for playing all of our games on artificial turf even though that required playing games back-to-back on one field each day. 

  • Only 19 players voted to keep all 3 games at 10am and continuing to use the dirt field.

  • 11 players thought either option was okay.

    This is the most overwhelmingly one-sided vote that I have seen for any issue during my tenure as Commissioner. Therefore, we will immediately begin to play all of our games on the artificial turf of Stagecoach Fields 2 and 3.  

  • Player tryouts continue throughout the season. Start playing in games immediately. Contact me if you want a join our league or you have a friend that wants a tryout. 

  • We use tryout ratings to add new players to teams-in-need during the season to promote league balancing and parity; so 1st place and other leading teams should never expect to add a highly rated, new player! 

  • All players receive individual text messages from their team manager during the season. Please review the Roster page to make sure it properly lists your texting cell phone number or you will miss important game-day notices.

  • Please make sure you are registered to receive emails (if you are not, sign up here).



Jim Dionne

April 9, 2021


Dear NCSS Players:

  • We have 20 new players, with at least 2 more coming in another week. Welcome to all of you. We hope you see a league committed to providing an opportunity for competitive play but with an emphasis on fair play, sportsmanship, and comaraderie.

  • The dictionary defines comaraderie as a "mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together." 

  • Reminder: we offer organized batting practice (and practice games if enough attend) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Stagecoach Park when many players are attending Tournaments and league games are canceled. 

  • Player tryouts will continue throughout the season. We have several scheduled for April 19 already. Contact me if you want a tryout or you have a friend that wants one. 

  • Remember, we rebalance Rosters after 5 games to enhance competitiveness. Team 2 is in need and Team 1 may also be in need. We prefer adding new players but sometimes players need to move from one team to another to enhance equal competition goals. Watch for Roster changes. 

  • We need a new Umpire-in-Chief. While new player, Al Calacungen, is a star baseball umpire, he is just starting to learn the SSUSA Rules we follow, so we need to find a long-term player in our league to assume the role. The main function is to train our players for umpiring in our Annual Tournament. Our Tournament solicitations advertise how we believe our volunteer umpires perform at the highest standards, so we have to make sure that is what teams actually experience. Meanwhile, I asked Al to do a little inservice on positioning for making calls, the task that separates the best umpires from the rest. We will do that before a game soon. 

  • Please continue to wear masks when not on the playing field. The City may enforce their Covid rules by stopping play if players do not comply.

  • The City of Carlsbad has hired a new subcontractor to maintain our fields. Let the City know if you see that the dirt infields we play on have been recently watered or are hard as concrete and dangerous to play on. Let them know if the outfield sprinkler heads are creating puddles and holes instead of correctly watering the grass. It is fairly easy to tell if someone is paying attention or not. The City really needs to know for safety and for supervising their contractors. They cannot do it alone. 

  • All players will receive individual text notice of team notices during the season. Please review the Roster page to make sure it properly lists your texting cell phone number or you will miss important game-day notices.

  • Please make sure you are registered to receive emails (if you are not, sign up here).

  • Schedule changes or field changes will be published on the Home page of our website. 



Jim Dionne

March 27, 2021


Dear NCSS Players:

  • Season starts this Thursday, April 1. (No fooling).  

  • Player tryouts will continue throughout the first 5 games. Contact me if you want a tryout or you have a friend that wants one. 

  • Remember, we rebalance Rosters after 5 games to enhance competitiveness.  

  • Get your vaccine as soon as offered, which for 75 year old and older players may be as soon as the end of January if we are lucky. 

  • Wear masks when not on the playing field. The City is enforcing their Covid rules by stopping play of leagues that do not comply.

  • The pandemic is not over. We do not want another year-long hiatus from playing ball. Do not let the excitement generated by vaccinations and playing team softball fool you into a false sense of safety.

  • We will be offering AED (defibrillator) training soon. We bought 2 more AED so we now own 3. See the bottom of your copy of the League Schedule for the protocol for accessing an AED during a game. See your copy of the League Roster for who is qualified to use an AED on your team. 

  • We will soon add an AED/SAFETY page to this Website. 

  • All players will receive individual text notice of team notices during the season. Please review the Roster page to make sure it properly lists your texting cell phone number or you will miss important game-day notices.

  • Please make sure you are registered to receive emails (if you are not, sign up here).

  • Schedule changes or field changes will also be published on the Home page of our website. 



Jim Dionne

December 29, 2020


Dear NCSS Players:

  • Local Blood Banks are requesting donors, especially from those who have recovered from Covid and may have antibodies helpful for hospitalized patients. Visit the San Diego Blood Back Donor website for more information. Donations are made by appointment only, at these nearby locations: 1910 Via Centre, Vista, 92081 and 358 West El Norte Parkway, Suite J, Escondido, 92026. 

  • Get your flu shots as soon as possible. 

  • Get your vaccine as soon as offered, which for 75 year old and older players may be as soon as the end of January if we are lucky. 

  • Wear masks. Those who do not are delaying our playing softball. 

  • I am hopeful that Senior Softball will start in some form or another as early as April and our league schedule by mid-summer at the latest.

  • All players will receive individual, email notice of any authorization for batting practice, practice games, or season games. Please make sure you are registered to receive emails (if you are not, sign up here).



Jim Dionne



Dear NCSS Players:

  • Get your flu shots as soon as possible. Flu symptoms are similar to Covid symptoms. So if you can avoid the flu, you may be able to avoid the anxiety caused by a need for Covid testing. 

  • Wear masks. Those who do not are delaying our playing softball. 

  • Softball Season still delayed indefinitely. Carlsbad's current regulations: 

  • Only household members and individual users and youth teams may use City owned playing fields. 

  • Look for updates on this website as Carlsbad announces changes. Under current conditions, no league games are considered likely for the foreseeable future and through the new year. Even if vaccines are approved, they may not be available immediately for our non-essential, recreational participants. 

  • All players will receive individual, email notice of any authorization for batting practice, practice games, or season games. Please make sure you are registered to receive emails (if you are not, sign up here).



Jim Dionne

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